Evan Dyer - CBC's Senior Int'l Correspondent Misleads and Lies!
Cuba Celebrates 60 Years of Int'l Medical Cooperation!
"Six of the Brightest Students from Guyana who received medical scholarships in Cuba perish in midair explosion of a Cubana Airliner in a terrorist act on Oc. 6, 1976."
The misleading article and reportage by Evan Dyer of CBC on May 21, 2023 only feeds anti-Cuba hysteria and assists the Miami-based terrorist organizations like Omega 7, Commandos F4 and... . From the start he paints un ugly picture of Cuba by writing "anti-regime activists" which conveys the message that a "regime" is confronting "activists". Activists who enjoy work, business, and family relations with no other than Maximo Morales who was captured and condemned for biggest drug trafficking in the history of Canada/Montreal. One who proudly says- after being exposed for having given money to terrorist organizations in the U.S. and beyond- it is a "war that needs money and an eye for an eye" and Mr. Dyer calls such terrorist entities, that up to this day have claimed the lives of 3478 Cubans and permanent injury to more than 2000, "opposition". Ay mi madre!
And when the Cuban authorities rightly so ask a Cuban Canadian of his relationship with the former convict and ally of the terrorists as to his recent activities hell breaks loose and all of a sudden "democracy", "freedom" and such out of context words are thrown at the reader by the CBC senior correspondent. Let us not forget that these "activists" in the aftermath of July 11th demonstrations- which was proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the main ring leaders were on the pay of the various U.S. State Dept. entities - which were fundamentally due to the shortages of all sorts caused by the genocidal U.S. blockade of Cuba that has been condemned by the General Assembly of the United Nations for the past thirty years- were calling for U.S. military intervention in Cuba.
While the CBC has day in and day out reportage and so-called analysis of China's interference in the political discourse of Canada; any decent human being will ask CBC why it is not reporting about the origins of the "activists" - read drug traffickers and allies of the terrorists and callers for military intervention in a sovereign country- freely walking the streets of Montreal/Canada.
And of course cheap shots by a Dance Studio owner who, once again, throws mud in the face of the CBC audience by claiming that "Allegations of drugs and homosexuality are favorites of Cuban State Security"! Nothing could be further from the truth. Let us undo this sentence. As I am writing this you could check the news as to how drug money and human trafficking money is being used and channeled towards violent activities against Cuba. That is why we have seen numerous people who have been returned to Cuba by the U.S. Coast Guard; and the ones involved in human trafficking are being charged, processed, in order to be jailed for their crimes in Cuba. And then the issue of "homosexuality"! Of course we read nothing about the most advanced family code in the world approved by the Cuban nation just a few months ago which realizes the aspirations of the LGBTQplus communities in Cuba and guarantees equality to all and any members of the society without any distinction whatsoever. Low-level and biased reporting by Mr. Dyer does not see the need to complement his reportage with such truths for a balanced work.
Lastly but not the least is the issue of "one party rule" in Cuba which the CBC senior correspondent so hatefully refers to without ever knowing or, to be polite, mentioning that the universal Cuban apostle, Jose Marti, advocated and fought tirelessly for the idea of a one and only one United Revolutionary Party capable of uniting the great majority of the nation in its struggle against Spanish colonialism. This is a major and not unimportant part of the Cuban nation's history of struggle for independence that the leadership of the Cuban revolution to this day has adhered to in order to defend the sovereignty of the nation and its achievements since the victory of the revolution in Jan. 1959.
CBC as a crown corporation must not be allowed to use our tax moneys to pay low-level and one-sided misleading reportage which aides and encourages the ones who have sided with the terrorists in the past and at the moment are calling for "regime change" and "democracy" with the financial aid of the biggest military and economic power on earth that is the U.S..
The martyrs of the Barbados explosion, referring to the Oct. 6, 1976 terrorist act, and Fabio de Celmo—a Montreal resident who was killed when a bomb planted by terrorists in a Havana hotel in 1997—call us to task and demand that we do what we have in our power to denounce and reject CBC's one-sided and misleading reportage on issues related to Cuba.
We never see a reportage regretting that the Cuban nation was denied OXYGEN from the U.S. in the heat of the Corona Virus pandemic in 2021; we do not read about the Cuban National Ballet lending its top dancers and teachers to Canada and assisting the Canada Ballet Youth Ensemble in Hamilton in 2010 and several following years to give the Hamilton dancers first-class professional performance experienc. Imagine a small nation island, under attack by the biggest military and economic power on earth, coming to aid Canada! And when the indigenous peoples of Canada who desperately need medical help accept the help of Cuban doctors, it is the Canadian government who refuses them visas.
But the Cuban revolution and its leadership have always been humble in their internationalist and solidarity works; so it is up to us—people with a humane conscience—to raise our voice in solidarity with Cuba and condemn the barbaric violent reportage against Cuba.
Finally, I for one, invite Mr. Evan Dyer to a debate on any issues related to Cuba in a public/open/democratic space (the CBC, for example) with all his "witnesses" to the so-called "repression". Since truth is on the side of the Cuban revolution and the martyrs are calling for justice, I am ready for this challenge. Cuba is not alone and the genocidal blockade by the U.S. and its lackeys—the root cause of the many problems in Cuba— must be ended; so that the underprivileged peoples of the world, including the U.S. and Canada, can enjoy the fruits of Cuba's achievements in healthcare, medicine, vaccines and much more; therewith Cuba and Cubans can live and decide their lives as they wish.
No to the Genocidal U.S. Blockade of Cuba and its lackeys here in Canada.
No to Misleading and Untruthful Reports by CBC on Cuba!
Morteza Gorgzadeh for
Toronto Forum on Cuba
[email protected]
PS: Please, write your own letters of protest and/or distribute this one if you like
October 1, 2014
The Toronto Star Attacks Cuban Justice System. Why?
Jailing Investors Cuba's Big Chill" is a vicious attack by a major daily in Canada that cannot stomach the fact that the government of Cuba is fearless when it has to apply the laws of the land against any one entity and individuals who dare to get involved in corrupt economic behaviours which is not only damaging to the country's economy but its reputation and ethical values; and therewith the sentencing of the Canadian businessman/investor Vahe Cy Tokmakjian, his associates, as well as a Cuban deputy minister of Sugar Industry and others associated with it.
But why the Toronto Star states that, "Yet suddenly, in 2011, President Raul Castro's anti-corruption prosecutors set their sights on Tokmakjian and charged him and 16 others." Well, as a matter of fact it wasn't so "sudden". For some four years the Cuban nation did organize meetings throughout the society in order to tackle the many issues the country was facing and determined what changes and approaches to be taken. One of the items put on the agenda of the leadership of the government by the people was to fight corruption. And this corruption case was a big one and had to exhaust all the legal process and that is why the Cuban justice system during a public and oral hearing between June 9 to 21 (2014) at Havana's Provincial Court addressed the crimes of bribery, acts to the detriment of economic activity, falsification of banking and trade documents, criminal deception, trafficking in currency and tax evasion against Canadian entrepreneurs Vahe Cy Tokmakjian, Marco Vinicio Puche Rodriguez and Claudio Franco and others involved.
The Corruption of Public Officials Act in Canada clearly states that any entity/individual that gets involved in any behaviour which corrupts officials of another country is liable and must face justice. That is why the editorial board of the Toronto Star shall do its homework first before being Judge, jury and the executioner in the above case and withdraw its demand and advice to the government of Canada, requesting the immediate release of the convicted individuals and their "assets"!
And the government of Canada knows very well that the Cubans have shown ample evidence proving their case in the above-mentioned. Otherwise, the Conservatives in Ottawa are not known to be great friends of Cuba or they would have intervened in the case of the anti-terrorist Cuban Five political prisoners of the empire who did nothing in the U.S. but to infiltrate terrorist and ultra right organizations in order to expose their plans! Plans carried by terrorists out of the U.S. territory which caused the death of Fabio di Celmo, a permanent resident of Canada from Montreal in Aug. 1997 which to this date the government of Canada has not raised a finger to bring the mastermind of the terrorist act-Luis Posada Carriles who walks freely in Miami-to justice.
But why the Toronto Star use of such language as "Castro regime should be put on notice"! To be put on "notice" because fighting corruption to its roots, no matter who is involved, is a bulwark of the Cuban Revolution. And the Cuban justice system is so radical that even the mercenaries who were organized, armed and sent to Cuba by the U.S. in 1961 to overturn the Cuban Revolution could not be abused in any way by anyone even though they had killed their own country men/women at the order of another foreign country! hmmmmm
And how could the Toronto Star attack Cuba! It reported once that Nabeel Yar Khan from Toronto is studying medicine in Cuba free of charge for the simple fact that Cuba's humanitarian health system provides for the education of tens of thousands of humble young students from around the world including the United States and Canada. Who would expect passionate behaviour from a government that is "a travesty of justice" in the words of Peter Kent! And I don't recall the Toronto Star asking business investors/creditors to go to Cuba as a way to "recompense" Cuba for its internationalist and humanitarian acts.
That is why I believe, the Toronto Star is stuck on attacking Cuba while defending business personalities caught in the vice of justice in Cuba for illegal acts! And all of a sudden investigative reporting gives way to vulgar, anti-Cuba verbiage. A Cuba that sets an example for the world over to share what they have, especially in health care, education and cultural values like, "homeland is humanity".
And again one wonders what bothers the Toronto Star to unleash its venom against Cuba and advising investors to stay away from Cuba and go somewhere else to make "a buck"! Is it that the World Health Organization's director, Margaret Chan, announced to the world that "we all have to learn from the very effective approach of Cuba to fight natural disasters and epidemics..." and praised Cuba for its contributions to fight Ebola virus in Africa where Cuba already has some 3000 medical personnel in 32 countries (in the African continent alone) and has dispatched some 450 medical specialists to fight Ebola only to this day. Where is Toronto Star's praise of Cuba!
The truth is that the capitalist media, including the Toronto Star, has no way of hiding for good the truth that comes out of Cuba and the shining path that it puts before the world. That, yes, it is possible with the least of resources and being one of the poorest countries in the world when it comes to underground minerals-or so it is thought- to have the highest level of education in Latin America and for sure ahead of the U.S.; to have the lowest infant mortality rate in the Americas ahead of Canada; or to have a national parliament whereby no one gets an extra penny for being a member of-beyond their regular salaries/wages paid by their workplaces-and has an average age of 51.3 years and some 48 percentage of them are women! Oooh, some countries truly envy that.
Or the Toronto Star does not want its readers to know that while Canada, under the leadership of the United States, goes to war in order to occupy other countries for the sake of natural resources and cheap labour or...; Cuba sends thousands upon thousands of its health workers around the world to save lives! And of course we all should know about the martyrdom of some 2000 Cuban internationalists in the struggle against the apartheid regime of South Africa.
And the Toronto Star very conveniently evades the matter of the U.S. government's genocidal practise of The Economic, Financial and Trade Blockade of Cuba which is very fundamental in the damages done to Cuba's "feeble economy". A practice that is condemned by the world over at the United Nations General Assembly year after year with the exception of the largest military/economic power in the world, the U.S. of A, and the Zionist regime of Israel! And this matter, if the Toronto Star is really worried about Cuba's economic future and "foreign investment" should have been mentioned to show that the paper is not really biased against Cuba; and for embezzlement/corruption and those bad things we all are just sick of hearing, seeing and reading daily in the media which are part and parcel of a bankrupt profit-driven system!
Well, if the Toronto Star is really worried about the miscarriage of "justice" then it should really cover in its pages the case of the Cuban Five and demand justice for Fabio di Celmo since "justice delayed is justice denied" and most certainly millions of people from Canada who vacation in Cuba must have found it safe and joyous to go there and not "open season on Canadians" as the paper wants us to believe.
Hope in vain that the Toronto Star will correct its very dangerously mistaken approach towards the above story and send a team of its investigative reporters to Cuba to find the truth firsthand instead of relying on the lawyers of a company that got caught red-handed and instead of quoting a desperate conservative MP, Peter Kent, looking for votes in a mainly middle-class neighbourhood which is not a natural friend of socialist Cuba! That could be called "easy" journalism but certainly not a serious and sincere one.
And of course the undersigned is more than ready for a public and open debate with the editorial board members of the Toronto Star in order to get to the bottom of the accusations made against the Cuban Revolution, its leadership and the findings of its justice system so we all can take a just stand when it comes to issues related to Cuba.
Take care and have a nice day.
Morteza Gorgzadeh
The Toronto Star's Sept. 30th opinion piece "But why the Toronto Star states that, "Yet suddenly, in 2011, President Raul Castro's anti-corruption prosecutors set their sights on Tokmakjian and charged him and 16 others." Well, as a matter of fact it wasn't so "sudden". For some four years the Cuban nation did organize meetings throughout the society in order to tackle the many issues the country was facing and determined what changes and approaches to be taken. One of the items put on the agenda of the leadership of the government by the people was to fight corruption. And this corruption case was a big one and had to exhaust all the legal process and that is why the Cuban justice system during a public and oral hearing between June 9 to 21 (2014) at Havana's Provincial Court addressed the crimes of bribery, acts to the detriment of economic activity, falsification of banking and trade documents, criminal deception, trafficking in currency and tax evasion against Canadian entrepreneurs Vahe Cy Tokmakjian, Marco Vinicio Puche Rodriguez and Claudio Franco and others involved.
The Corruption of Public Officials Act in Canada clearly states that any entity/individual that gets involved in any behaviour which corrupts officials of another country is liable and must face justice. That is why the editorial board of the Toronto Star shall do its homework first before being Judge, jury and the executioner in the above case and withdraw its demand and advice to the government of Canada, requesting the immediate release of the convicted individuals and their "assets"!
And the government of Canada knows very well that the Cubans have shown ample evidence proving their case in the above-mentioned. Otherwise, the Conservatives in Ottawa are not known to be great friends of Cuba or they would have intervened in the case of the anti-terrorist Cuban Five political prisoners of the empire who did nothing in the U.S. but to infiltrate terrorist and ultra right organizations in order to expose their plans! Plans carried by terrorists out of the U.S. territory which caused the death of Fabio di Celmo, a permanent resident of Canada from Montreal in Aug. 1997 which to this date the government of Canada has not raised a finger to bring the mastermind of the terrorist act-Luis Posada Carriles who walks freely in Miami-to justice.
But why the Toronto Star use of such language as "Castro regime should be put on notice"! To be put on "notice" because fighting corruption to its roots, no matter who is involved, is a bulwark of the Cuban Revolution. And the Cuban justice system is so radical that even the mercenaries who were organized, armed and sent to Cuba by the U.S. in 1961 to overturn the Cuban Revolution could not be abused in any way by anyone even though they had killed their own country men/women at the order of another foreign country! hmmmmm
And how could the Toronto Star attack Cuba! It reported once that Nabeel Yar Khan from Toronto is studying medicine in Cuba free of charge for the simple fact that Cuba's humanitarian health system provides for the education of tens of thousands of humble young students from around the world including the United States and Canada. Who would expect passionate behaviour from a government that is "a travesty of justice" in the words of Peter Kent! And I don't recall the Toronto Star asking business investors/creditors to go to Cuba as a way to "recompense" Cuba for its internationalist and humanitarian acts.
That is why I believe, the Toronto Star is stuck on attacking Cuba while defending business personalities caught in the vice of justice in Cuba for illegal acts! And all of a sudden investigative reporting gives way to vulgar, anti-Cuba verbiage. A Cuba that sets an example for the world over to share what they have, especially in health care, education and cultural values like, "homeland is humanity".
And again one wonders what bothers the Toronto Star to unleash its venom against Cuba and advising investors to stay away from Cuba and go somewhere else to make "a buck"! Is it that the World Health Organization's director, Margaret Chan, announced to the world that "we all have to learn from the very effective approach of Cuba to fight natural disasters and epidemics..." and praised Cuba for its contributions to fight Ebola virus in Africa where Cuba already has some 3000 medical personnel in 32 countries (in the African continent alone) and has dispatched some 450 medical specialists to fight Ebola only to this day. Where is Toronto Star's praise of Cuba!
The truth is that the capitalist media, including the Toronto Star, has no way of hiding for good the truth that comes out of Cuba and the shining path that it puts before the world. That, yes, it is possible with the least of resources and being one of the poorest countries in the world when it comes to underground minerals-or so it is thought- to have the highest level of education in Latin America and for sure ahead of the U.S.; to have the lowest infant mortality rate in the Americas ahead of Canada; or to have a national parliament whereby no one gets an extra penny for being a member of-beyond their regular salaries/wages paid by their workplaces-and has an average age of 51.3 years and some 48 percentage of them are women! Oooh, some countries truly envy that.
Or the Toronto Star does not want its readers to know that while Canada, under the leadership of the United States, goes to war in order to occupy other countries for the sake of natural resources and cheap labour or...; Cuba sends thousands upon thousands of its health workers around the world to save lives! And of course we all should know about the martyrdom of some 2000 Cuban internationalists in the struggle against the apartheid regime of South Africa.
And the Toronto Star very conveniently evades the matter of the U.S. government's genocidal practise of The Economic, Financial and Trade Blockade of Cuba which is very fundamental in the damages done to Cuba's "feeble economy". A practice that is condemned by the world over at the United Nations General Assembly year after year with the exception of the largest military/economic power in the world, the U.S. of A, and the Zionist regime of Israel! And this matter, if the Toronto Star is really worried about Cuba's economic future and "foreign investment" should have been mentioned to show that the paper is not really biased against Cuba; and for embezzlement/corruption and those bad things we all are just sick of hearing, seeing and reading daily in the media which are part and parcel of a bankrupt profit-driven system!
Well, if the Toronto Star is really worried about the miscarriage of "justice" then it should really cover in its pages the case of the Cuban Five and demand justice for Fabio di Celmo since "justice delayed is justice denied" and most certainly millions of people from Canada who vacation in Cuba must have found it safe and joyous to go there and not "open season on Canadians" as the paper wants us to believe.
Hope in vain that the Toronto Star will correct its very dangerously mistaken approach towards the above story and send a team of its investigative reporters to Cuba to find the truth firsthand instead of relying on the lawyers of a company that got caught red-handed and instead of quoting a desperate conservative MP, Peter Kent, looking for votes in a mainly middle-class neighbourhood which is not a natural friend of socialist Cuba! That could be called "easy" journalism but certainly not a serious and sincere one.
And of course the undersigned is more than ready for a public and open debate with the editorial board members of the Toronto Star in order to get to the bottom of the accusations made against the Cuban Revolution, its leadership and the findings of its justice system so we all can take a just stand when it comes to issues related to Cuba.
Take care and have a nice day.
Morteza Gorgzadeh
Cuba’s Struggle for Independence
On the occasion of CUBA’S INDEPENDENCE DAY
Friday, OCTOBER 10th at 6:30 PM
Beit Zatoun - 612 Markham St. (@Bathurst subway)
Since the historic figure of Hatuey – an indigenous resister who was burned at the stake in the 16th century – in Cuba’s struggle against the slavery of Spanish colonialism, to the first war of independence led by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, to the struggle led by Fidel Castro leading to the victory of the Cuban Revolution and its true independence from foreign domination, the Cuban people have demonstrated great sacrifice, which today is symbolized by the Cuban Five who are in U.S. jails for exposing U.S.-sponsored terrorism aimed at threatening Cuba’s sovereignty.
Animation Film on the Cuban Five
Art Exhibition by Antonio Guerrero and Gerardo Hernandez (of the Cuban Five)
Artwork by Nacho Cartagena
Miniature paintings from Cuba
Join us to learn the true and thorough history of Cuba presented by distinguished guests:
The Honourable Javier Dómokos Ruiz - Consul General of Cuba in Toronto
Dr. Keith Ellis - Professor Emeritus - Department of Spanish and Portuguese;
Former Chair Latin American Studies Committee U. of T.
Cuba’s Struggle for Independence
On the occasion of CUBA’S INDEPENDENCE DAY
Friday, OCTOBER 10th at 6:30 PM
Beit Zatoun - 612 Markham St. (@Bathurst subway)
Since the historic figure of Hatuey – an indigenous resister who was burned at the stake in the 16th century – in Cuba’s struggle against the slavery of Spanish colonialism, to the first war of independence led by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, to the struggle led by Fidel Castro leading to the victory of the Cuban Revolution and its true independence from foreign domination, the Cuban people have demonstrated great sacrifice, which today is symbolized by the Cuban Five who are in U.S. jails for exposing U.S.-sponsored terrorism aimed at threatening Cuba’s sovereignty.
Animation Film on the Cuban Five
Art Exhibition by Antonio Guerrero and Gerardo Hernandez (of the Cuban Five)
Artwork by Nacho Cartagena
Miniature paintings from Cuba
Join us to learn the true and thorough history of Cuba presented by distinguished guests:
The Honourable Javier Dómokos Ruiz - Consul General of Cuba in Toronto
Dr. Keith Ellis - Professor Emeritus - Department of Spanish and Portuguese;
Former Chair Latin American Studies Committee U. of T.
From Hatuey to the Cuban Five, FLYER |
Designer / Editor - Sabrina Johnson