In view of the fact that:On Tuesday 29 November 2011, the 1st anniversary of martyrdom of the Iranian scientist and university professor, Majid Shahriari, who was assassinated by terrorists backed by the governments of Israel, US and UK, hundreds of Iranian youth lead by representatives of several organizations of university students hold a demonstration in front of the UK embassy in Tehran to demand closure of that embassy and to end relations of the government of Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) with the government of UK, In view of the fact that:_ continue reading See messages from Antonio Guerrero and Ramón Labañino below, in occasion of this event. House of Latin America- HOLA, an NGO in Iran acting in solidarity and defense of the peoples of Latin America, has initiated the following Appeal. We call on social justice forces around the world to mobilize to come to the defense of the people of Iran in this urgent hour of U.S. escalating threats and continuing sanctions. Whereas, the escalating sanctions and threats of military intervention against Iran are intended to deprive the Iranian people of their internationally recognized right to live as an independent and free nation; Whereas, the sanctions and threats are clear violations of Article 2 of the UN Charter, according to which member states must "refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state"; Whereas, the United States is unequivocally obligated under the bilateral 1981 Algiers Treaty to refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of Iran; Whereas. sanctions often pave the way to war; Whereas, Iran, as a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, has an “inalienable right” to develop and use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes; Whereas, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, there is no evidence to back up the charge that Iran is "planning to produce nuclear weapons"; Whereas, the hegemonic lobbies that portray Iran as a threat to peace today also lied about imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to convince the public that war was necessary; The people of the world cannot accept such a crime against humanity to be repeated. Therefore, we urge all people who stand for justice, peace, sovereignty and self determination to join this campaign and raise their voice to demand: - Lift economic sanctions against Iran. - Recognize the right of Iran to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. - Stop military threats against Iran. SI! Solidarity with Iran Click here to read and sign on to the “Solidarity with Iran” declaration ****************************************** Solidaridad con Irán SI! La Casa de América Latina-HOLA, organización no gubernamental de Irán que actúa en solidaridad y defensa de los pueblos de América Latina, ha puesto en marcha la siguiente Campaña. Hacemos un llamado a las fuerzas amantes de la justicia social en todo el mundo a movilizarse en defensa del pueblo de Irán en este momento apremiante en el que se está llevando a cabo una escalada de las amenazas y sanciones de los EE.UU. Considerando que la escalada de las sanciones y las amenazas de intervención militar contra Irán tienen por objetivo privar al pueblo iraní de su derecho internacionalmente reconocido a vivir como una nación independiente y soberana. Considerando que, las sanciones y las amenazas son violaciones claras del Artículo 2 de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, según el cual los Estados miembros deben "abstenerse en sus relaciones internacionales de la amenaza o el uso de la fuerza contra la integridad territorial o la independencia política de cualquier Estado". Considerando que los Estados Unidos está inequívocamente obligado en virtud del tratado bilateral de Argel de 1981 a abstenerse de interferir en los asuntos internos de Irán. Considerando que las sanciones frecuentemente allanan el camino de la guerra. Considerando que, Irán, como signatario del Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear, tiene el "derecho inalienable" de desarrollar y utilizar la tecnología nuclear con fines pacíficos. Considerando que, de acuerdo con el Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica, no hay evidencia para respaldar la acusación de que Irán está "planeando producir armas nucleares". Considerando que, los grupos de presión hegemónica que describen a Irán como una amenaza a la paz hoy día, también mintieron sobre las imaginarias armas de destrucción masiva en poder de Iraq para convencer a la opinión pública de que la guerra era necesaria. Los pueblos del mundo no pueden aceptar que se repita otro crimen de lesa humanidad. Por lo tanto, instamos a todos los pueblos que defienden la justicia, la paz, la soberanía y la autodeterminación a unirse a esta campaña y elevar su voz para demandar: - El Levantamiento de las sanciones económicas contra Irán. - El reconocimiento del derecho de Irán a desarrollar y utilizar la energía nuclear con fines pacíficos. -Detener las amenazas militares contra Irán. Solidaridad con Irán SI! Haz "Click" aquí para agregar tu nombre a la declaración “Solidaridad con Iran SI! ******** FROM ANTONIO: Dear friends of the House of Latin America We are filled with joy and emotion to be able to greet you and express our eternal appreciation for your support in the long and honorable battle for our freedom. José Martí said that with great friends, great things can be done, and we are certain that love will conquer hate, that solidarity will conquer animosity, that peace will conquer war, because it is the only way that our species and our planet will survive. Our peoples, united like brothers and sisters, will not stop struggling for a better world which we know is possible. You in your House of Latin America, who radiate light and friendship, are an example of that reality. Long live friendship! Success in your work. Long live Peace! Five brotherly embraces, René, Ramón, Gerardo, Fernando and Antonio FCI Florence 12 October 2010 The Spanish version of the above statement is as follows. It was thanks to Glora La Riva, the coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban 5, that such communication was made possible and it was with her help that Antonio's message was translated into English. Queridos amigos de "La Casa de Latinoamerica" Nos llena de alegria y emocion poderlos saludar y expresarles nuestro eterno agradecimiento por su apoyo en la larga y digna batalla por nuestra libertad. Decia Jose Marti que con grandes amigos se pueden hacer grandes cosas, y estamos seguros de que el amor vencera al odio, de que la solidaridad vencera a la enemistad, de que la paz vencera a la guerra, porque esta es la unica via que hara sobrevivir nuestra especie y nuestro planeta. Nuestros pueblos unidos como hermanos no dejaran de luchar por el mundo mejor que sabemos posible. Ustedes en su Casa que irradia luz y amistad son un ejemplo de esa realidad. !Viva la amistad! Exitos en sus tareas. !Viva la paz! Cinco abrazos hermanos. Rene, Ramon, Gerardo, Fernando y Antonio. FCI Florence. 12 de octubre de 2010 -------------------------------------------- FROM RAMON: Please receive the affection of these Five Cubans, who from U.S. prisons, support every effort that you realize to advance your country, your future, your independence, in the face of every kind of threats of foreign imperialists. We are and will always be at your side. We believe in and defend the right of all peoples of the world to peace, to their national and sovereign integrity, in the peaceful use— medical and for economic and social well-being — of nuclear energy and any resources that improve and develop the human being. We are greatly moved in knowing, that in the midst of so many concerns, tensions and dangers, that you dedicate time to the cause of our beloved homeland, Cubaand for the freedom of the Five. We will never forget so much support, the same way that you will always have our support, no matter the circumstances. To our Cuban brothers and sisters who are in your historic land, we send our love and embrace of the Five, for the great pride we feel for you, for the beautiful work you carry out, and for your fight for our freedom. Long live peace and the love of the peoples! No to Imperialist blockade and threats! The Soul of the Five remains with you all! Ever onward to victory! ANTONIO. GERARDO. RENE. FERNANDO. RAMON. ![]()
Solidarity Tour! First Stop: Havana - Immense Support with the People of Iran
January 2013