Dear Sisters/Brothers;
Jose Marti, National Hero of Cuba, will be 170 years old on Jan 28. Cuba is celebrating his life with the 5th Int'l Conference on World Equilibrium inaugurated by Colmenita-the Cuban Children Theatre which is an ambassador of UNICEF.
Marti is not just an anti-imperialist, all around intellectual and leader of the 19th century; but the intellectual author of the Moncada or July 26th! The movement led by Fidel Castro which brought about the downfall of the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship; the first free territory of the Americas from illiteracy and the the first socialist revolution in the western hemisphere in the 20th century.
In 21st century, Marti's intellectual and revolutionary writings and works - a treasure of works from poetry, journalism, scientific and technology essays, on environmental degradation to indigenous peoples, colonialism and internationalist principles- are still valid today and are indispensable for any human being who is thinking of building another NEW BTTER WORLD for all of humanity.
Encounters of intellectuals, scientists, artists, journalists and... are happening all over Cuba to celebrate the life of Marti. Why?
In his short life of 42 years, Marti wrote with a great dose of literary and poetic genius and acted with selfless solidarity towards others who were struggling to change their conditions of oppression. The issues of sovereignty, independence, imperial hegemony, colonialism were essential in his writings and his devotion for the cause of the independence struggle of Cuba from Spanish colonialism; and the unity of Latin American nations against the tentacles of ever expanding U.S. imperialism were and are issues that we have to confront today.
Marti wrote about the British colonial holdings in India and Ireland, France's subjugation of Vietnamese and the abhorrent behavior of the colonialists in this hemisphere against the indigenous peoples; and the insatiable thirst of the imperial and hegemonic system for plunder and destruction of resources and cultures of the conquered nations.
CELAC is meeting in Argentina and the focus of their discussions are unity amongst nations and cooperation to come to agreements to take concrete continental actions regarding the ever worsening environmental disasters that are threatening the lives and well-being of many nations by the minute. Their desire to make sure that CELAC is a zone of peace and non interference by the north imperialist states. Canada and the U.S. are not members of CELAC and that is why we see no coverage of it in the mainstream media here.
Hopefully, by remembering him today and absorbing his ideals for a better world that are beautifully manifested in Patria es Humanidad (homeland is humanity); we could prepare ourselves for the coming year to organize, at the least, a conference around his thinking and actions which are still inspiring to thousands upon thousands. Experts like Professor Keith Ellis who are in our midst and have enriched the lives of so many with their knowledge and books about this genius of a man shall not be spared; and we have every right to ask and see to it that such a conference is organized. We humbly owe such efforts to all those who are aspiring for a better world minus wars of aggression, plunder and sanctions; and are seeking the tranquility and harmony between human beings and mother nature. Herewith we are set to do what it takes to materialize such a coming together of Marti's friends in Toronto.
While we celebrate Marti's legacy; we are celebrating with immense joy the life of another continental/global hero who came home to Puerto Rico after enduring 20 years in the dungeons of the U.S. imperialism for the simple "crime" of exposing U.S. terrorist plans against Cuba and other nations that is Ana Belen Montes!
Jose Marti is present in the likes of Ana Belen Montes!
Forward to organizing an international conference on Jose Marti's Life and Legacy in 2024!
Morteza Gorgzadeh for
Toronto Forum on Cuba
[email protected]
Romerias de Mayo, Holguin-Cuba, May 2-8
Toronto Forum on Cuba is organizing a delegation of artists of all backgrounds to participate in the Int'l Festival of Young Artists, Romerias de Mayo. This is the 30th Anniversary of the Festival which began in the heat of the special period after Fidel Castro had an encounter with the young artists through the Association of Hermanos Saiz(AHS) and emphasized the importance of saving the cultural achievements of the nation/s.
Our delegation will also take, as a gesture of solidarity, all and any instruments/materials that are useful in the area of artistic works.
If you are interested and would like to present your work, please write to [email protected] to obtain the detailed information for submitting your works and receiving your credentials.
Morteza Gorgzadeh for
Toronto Forum on Cuba
[email protected]
Toronto Forum on Cuba is organizing a delegation of artists of all backgrounds to participate in the Int'l Festival of Young Artists, Romerias de Mayo. This is the 30th Anniversary of the Festival which began in the heat of the special period after Fidel Castro had an encounter with the young artists through the Association of Hermanos Saiz(AHS) and emphasized the importance of saving the cultural achievements of the nation/s.
Our delegation will also take, as a gesture of solidarity, all and any instruments/materials that are useful in the area of artistic works.
If you are interested and would like to present your work, please write to [email protected] to obtain the detailed information for submitting your works and receiving your credentials.
Morteza Gorgzadeh for
Toronto Forum on Cuba
[email protected]
Compare Election Participation in Cuba with others!

Cuba: National Election Results of March 26/2023!
Cuba Wins! Imperialists Lose!
While the Cuban people face the longest economic, financial and trade blockade imposed by the U.S. government and its allies for more than 60 years which causes immense hardship to the population and negatively impacts the progress of the Cuban economic, social, cultural and all aspects of life; combined with the all out media campaign of lies, lies and more lies about the Cuban Revolution and its achievements; the massive turn out by the people to cast their votes and re-affirm their loyalty to the revolution and take heed of the advice of their leadership brought another victory for the Cuban revolution in the eyes of the world and another defeat for the imperialists and their allies. Congratulations to Cuban People for Another Victory!
Cuba Wins! Imperialists Lose!
While the Cuban people face the longest economic, financial and trade blockade imposed by the U.S. government and its allies for more than 60 years which causes immense hardship to the population and negatively impacts the progress of the Cuban economic, social, cultural and all aspects of life; combined with the all out media campaign of lies, lies and more lies about the Cuban Revolution and its achievements; the massive turn out by the people to cast their votes and re-affirm their loyalty to the revolution and take heed of the advice of their leadership brought another victory for the Cuban revolution in the eyes of the world and another defeat for the imperialists and their allies. Congratulations to Cuban People for Another Victory!
Cuban Election Results of March 26!
Cuba Wins! And the Imperialists Lose Once Again!
VII Coloquio Internacional Trans-Identidades, Género y Cultura
“Políticas públicas para el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de las personas trans y de género diversas: academia y activismo”
En el marco de la 16 Jornadas Cubanas contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia, que se celebran bajo el lema El Amor es Ley tendrá lugar de manera presencial el VII Coloquio Internacional Trans-Identidades, Género y Cultura los días 5 y 6 de mayo de 2023 en La Habana, Cuba, con el título “Políticas públicas para el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de las personas trans y de género diversas: academia y activismo”.
En el contexto cubano las Jornadas se insertan en un escenario político y social marcado por la entrada en vigor del Código de las Familias, que amplía el catálogo de derechos en el ordenamiento jurídico, como expresión de la voluntad política del Estado cubano de proteger y garantizar todos los derechos de todas las personas, sin ningún tipo de discriminación.
Es propósito del coloquio facilitar el intercambio de experiencias científicas y de activismo social, comprometidas con el desarrollo de políticas públicas que promuevan y garanticen el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de las personas trans y género diversas. Numerosos estudios evidencian la perpetuación de las condiciones de discriminación, exclusión y segmentación social que sufren estas personas en las diferentes etapas de su vida y contextos de relación, así como de las resistencias de profesionales, instituciones, estados y gobiernos para encontrar soluciones con enfoque de derechos humanos.
Estas condiciones se acentúan en la atención de las infancias y adolescencias trans, sin que se hayan encontrado los consensos más saludables y justos en las políticas públicas, leyes y protocolos de actuación.
Le invitamos a que nos acompañe y a que identifiquemos juntos alianzas para el logro del ejercicio pleno de derechos de las personas trans y género diversas durante el curso de vida.
Dra. C. Mariela Castro Espín
VII Coloquio Internacional Trans-Identidades, Género y Cultura
“Políticas públicas para el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de las personas trans y de género diversas: academia y activismo”
En el marco de la 16 Jornadas Cubanas contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia, que se celebran bajo el lema El Amor es Ley tendrá lugar de manera presencial el VII Coloquio Internacional Trans-Identidades, Género y Cultura los días 5 y 6 de mayo de 2023 en La Habana, Cuba, con el título “Políticas públicas para el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de las personas trans y de género diversas: academia y activismo”.
En el contexto cubano las Jornadas se insertan en un escenario político y social marcado por la entrada en vigor del Código de las Familias, que amplía el catálogo de derechos en el ordenamiento jurídico, como expresión de la voluntad política del Estado cubano de proteger y garantizar todos los derechos de todas las personas, sin ningún tipo de discriminación.
Es propósito del coloquio facilitar el intercambio de experiencias científicas y de activismo social, comprometidas con el desarrollo de políticas públicas que promuevan y garanticen el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de las personas trans y género diversas. Numerosos estudios evidencian la perpetuación de las condiciones de discriminación, exclusión y segmentación social que sufren estas personas en las diferentes etapas de su vida y contextos de relación, así como de las resistencias de profesionales, instituciones, estados y gobiernos para encontrar soluciones con enfoque de derechos humanos.
Estas condiciones se acentúan en la atención de las infancias y adolescencias trans, sin que se hayan encontrado los consensos más saludables y justos en las políticas públicas, leyes y protocolos de actuación.
Le invitamos a que nos acompañe y a que identifiquemos juntos alianzas para el logro del ejercicio pleno de derechos de las personas trans y género diversas durante el curso de vida.
Dra. C. Mariela Castro Espín
Join in to build bridges of love and solidarity! The motto is: "love is the law"!

Toronto: Wednesday April 19th @ 06:30pm, A Different Booklist
Bay of Pigs (Playa Giron)- The First Military Defeat of U.S. Imperialism in the Hemisphere
Honorable Consul of Cuba in Toronto
Documentaries: Bay of Pigs and Belly of the Beast (Cuba from inside)
Join us to celebrate/learn/debate and move forward!
No to Genocidal U.S. Blockade of Cuba!
Bay of Pigs (Playa Giron)- The First Military Defeat of U.S. Imperialism in the Hemisphere
Honorable Consul of Cuba in Toronto
Documentaries: Bay of Pigs and Belly of the Beast (Cuba from inside)
Join us to celebrate/learn/debate and move forward!
No to Genocidal U.S. Blockade of Cuba!