![]() Jose Marti: Every true human must feel on their own cheek every blow dealt against the cheek of another. Dear Sisters/Brothers; Once again the call is made for a global march of solidarity with the heroic people of Palestine who have faced a genocidal blockade and en masse slaughter in the Gaza Strip of occupied Palestine; and NOW CORNERED/BOMBED in Rafah border city. The Cuban Revolution since its inception has upheld the glorious banner of internationalist solidarity with the needs/causes of the oppressed from Chile to Algeria to the receiving and saving/treating of children of Ukraine in their thousands upon thousands in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster without receiving a penny in the midst of the "special period" of Cuba! The leadership of the Cuban Revolution has named the current genocide in Gaza of "Dante" proportions; and Dr. Aleida Guevara has publicly demanded to be allowed to save lives as a pediatrician and as well Dr. Mariela Castro has clearly stated that "Palestine was Arab land, is Arab land, and will be Arab land" without mincing words in solidarity with the just cause of Palestinians among many others. While the barrage of negative media campaigns and threats of all sorts against supporters of the just cause of Palestinians are used to intimidate anyone speaking out and taking a just stand; the Mayor of Toronto along with the Premier of Ontario as well as the Prime Minister of Canada have jumped on the band wagon once again to justify their own complicity in the acts of genocide; and deprivation of besieged Palestinians of any basic necessities of life-air, water, food,...- carried out by the Zionist apartheid state of Israel. The inspiring/independent/inclusive/indefatigable Palestinian Youth Movement well aware of their own history of struggle from the terrorism of Zionism are aligned not only with the causes of the indigenous peoples of this land but also more than ever are walking and leading with their Jewish sisters and brothers like bodies in one soul. Needless to mention or quote the words of Jose Marti, Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidel Castro- among other iconic historical leaders of humanity for the just causes of the deprived/dispossessed- in order to convince ourselves of uniting/walking/shouting/educating and demanding: GENOCIDE IN GAZA HAS TO BE STOPPED! We in Toronto Forum on Cuba are certain that once the prison walls of Gaza Strip are broken hopefully sooner than later; the Cuban Revolution is at the ready to receive and treat thousands upon thousands of Palestinian students and injured even though Cuba is experiencing the most brutal yet efficient genocidal financial, trade and economic blockade by the U.S. government. Please, share, join and organize to save lives. Brotherly; Morteza Gorgzadeh for Toronto Forum on Cuba [email protected] www.forumoncuba.com Dear Sisters/Brothers;
We would like you to attend the emergency/urgent rally that has been called by the Palestinian Youth Movement and allies as the ongoing genocide in Gaza has come to a RED LINE since Rafah border city is being attacked and about to be invaded by the Zioinst Israeli apartheid regime. Today to be in solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinians is to be in solidarity with revolutionary Cuba-against the genocidal U.S. blockade- and undoubtedly is an expression of loyalty to the ideals of Marti's "Homeland is Humanity" "Patria es Humanidad". Needless to say that true friends of Cuba are those who stand for the rights of nations to sovereignty/independence/justice and liberation from colonialism/imperialism and all the vestiges of injustice and oppressions. Please, come and join our friends, families, neighbors, conscientious human beings! Feb. 12, Monday @ 05:30pm @ 2 Bloor St. East (Israeli Consulate) Please, see the attached flyer and share if you have time. Take care and see you in acts of solidarity. Brotherly; Morteza Gorgzadeh for Toronto Forum on Cuba [email protected] http://www.forumoncuba.com |